The Gatton Academy of Mathematics and Science in Kentucky is a proud partner in the Commonwealth Institute for Parent Leadership. The Gatton Academy encourages parents to become involved in their districts as advocates for education opportunities.
The Commonwealth Institute for Parent Leadership offers a variety of programs aimed at bringing together parents, teachers, community members, and school administrators for training, information, and experiences that help them work as partners to raise student achievement. The program was developed by the Prichard Committee in 1997 as a way to support informed, skilled, and parents as effective advocates who are passionate about improving Kentucky public schools.
Since its inception, 11 years ago, CIPL has trained an army of more than 1,500 Kentucky parents on how to effectively advocate for high-quality schools. More than three dozen CIPL fellows have served on school boards, and hundreds more are involved daily in education advocacy. The program has been so successful that eight other states and Washington, D.C., have adopted it to help improve their schools, too.
Below is a video that explains CIPL and the Center for Parent Leadership in greater detail. The clip includes testimonials from parents, educators, and administrators.
Application to Participate in CIPL STEM 2009 (Deadline April 15, 2009)
The Pritchard Committee for Academic Excellence