Travel to Harlaxton
December 16, 2015 | 2015-2016, Avatars, Seth Marksberry | No Comments
During the latter half of this past summer, forty-eight of our current seniors embarked on a trip that has worked its way into Gatton tradition: the Harlaxton Experience. During this trip, which lasts three weeks, students are given the opportunity to take English 200.
English 200 is an introductory literature course. Over the duration of the class, students are introduced to pieces written by some of the literary greats such as Shakespeare, Keats, and Lawrence. While most courses in literature would settle for a review of pieces and a few author biographies, the curriculum in England is much different.
After a lesson about a particular author and his or her works, students were then treated to a day of visiting locations related to the pieces and authors we had just learned about. For example, after our lesson on the works of Shakespeare, we visited Stratford upon Avon, Shakespeare’s birthplace. It was truly amazing for myself and my fellow students to be able to experience literature in this setting. I think I can speak for all of us and say we are glad we did it. Anybody who is a current junior and wondering about going on this trip, trust me, you want to go. You will be happy you went.