2017-2018 Avatar: Arjun Kanthawar
August 22, 2017 | 2017-2018, Arjun Kanthawar, Avatars | No Comments
Hello, my name is Arjun Kanthawar, and I am a senior from London, Kentucky. Before Gatton, I attended North Laurel High School where I was very involved with my tennis team and other extracurricular activities. I learned about Gatton when I was attending VAMPY here on WKU’s campus. Ever since I heard about it, I knew I wanted to come. Here at Gatton, I’ve made so many new friends, and the tight-knit community is amazing. The support that we receive from each other is awesome. I’ve been able to study abroad, research areas that I’m interested in, and expand my interests in math and science. In my free time, I enjoy playing ultimate Frisbee and basketball with other Gatton students.
I was fortunate to be able to study abroad in England this past summer, which was an amazing experience. Our class studied English literature for three weeks while visiting historical sites. One of the most unique things about Gatton is the abundance of research opportunities that are available. Over the summer, I completed a research internship grant (RIG) with the WKU Math Department where I studied ways to mathematically model the healing of chronic wounds. I have been able to travel to many different places to present my research.
Junior year was extremely fun, and I am really anxious for senior year to begin. I am very excited to meet the juniors, and I know this year will be great. Overall, I am excited for senior year and to be an Avatar.