Category: Dalton Richardson

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Today was a pretty good day at Harlaxton. Today was a class day, so I had a lot of free time to just relax and enjoy the beautiful day. First I had to get up at eight for class at nine. I got some breakfast, which mainly consisted of eggs and then got ready for the day. Class went by pretty fast actually and was quite good. We had to read some short stories the day before, so we spent a good chunk of the time talking about those. We also discussed some poetry and our professors told us the details about tomorrow’s trip to York.

Afterward, a few friends and I decided to play croquet as the weather was quite nice. I played horribly, but so did everyone else unsurprisingly. My friend Lorenzo ended up beating us most of the rounds but I got one win. We ended up playing for much longer than any of us ever expected and did not finish playing till around 4:30ish. Next up we had dinner which was quite lovely. I took a little time after this to work on a paper due in a few days but ended up procrastinating and getting barely anything done.

A few friends and I decided to order some pizza and watch a movie. We spent more time deciding what movie to watch than we should have but eventually chose one. We ended up watching “This is the End” which was okay but nothing too spectacular. Finally, I got ready for bed and played a few games of Super Smash Bros with by roommate. He absolutely dominated me most of the time, but I got a few good hits in. Once I got in bed, I watched some Brooklyn 99 on my phone before getting some rest and preparing for the next day and our trip to York. Overall, it was another great day at Harlaxton and was a blast.


Today was quite the day. When I got up, I did not have much time until it was time to get on the bus for the town of Bath. The bus ride was around two and a half hours but did not feel that long at all. Bath was obviously much smaller than London but seemed decently big. All of the buildings we passed by seemed quite old, and the roads were quite small too. By the time we all got off the bus, it was probably around 11:30 AM. We walked down the small streets until we arrived at the park. The park was small and consisted mainly of just an open field where we sat down to have our sack lunches. Lunch went by quite quickly, and then they had us on the move again as we walked towards the center of town. As we got closer and closer to our destination, it got more crowded. Then we turned a corner, and a square with a massive cathedral came into view. Our destination was not the Cathedral though, it was the roman baths next to it. I walked around the baths in Bath. Looking at the ancient baths and the ruins of the once-great Roman structure was fascinating. Afterward, a few friends and I had a few hours to spare and spent them walking around the city of Bath.

We went to a small café, got some ice cream, and generally just enjoyed the excellent weather as we walked around to town. After a few hours, we were back on the bus for London. Once back, a few friends and I decided to go get some food at a Korean BBQ restaurant. Every table had a grill on it, and you had to cook your food yourself. It was a lot of fun being able to talk to a bunch of friends while cooking the meat yourself. After, we walked around London for a little bit and got some ice cream. Finally, we headed home exhausted and played a few rounds of foosball before going to bed. Overall it was a great day, and one of the most memorable I have had in England so far.


Dalton Richardson

My name is Dalton Richardson and I am excited to be an avatar and senior for this year at Gatton. But before I get into Gatton, I’ll give you a little introduction about me. I am from Fayette Country (aka Lexington) and my sending school is Frederick Douglass High School. I have always had a love for classes involving engineering or programming. Before coming to Gatton, I played a ton of golf and switched high schools after my freshman year looking for more of a challenge to my education. But, it wasn’t until Gatton that I found somewhere that was perfect for me.

In the week leading up to Gatton I was more nervous and excited than I had ever been before. But, after that first night, I knew everything was going to be great. Ever since then, everyone has been great and I have made some of the best friends I have ever had, have had some of the most fun I have ever had, and made some great memories.

Education wise, I have been pursuing to widen my understanding of programming by taking as many programming classes as I can. I have learned more than I ever thought was possible and have even started research within this area with Dr. Ziegler. Through this research, I have learned even more about programming and studied an algorithm called the Monte Carlo Tree Search. I have also been able to take other great classes, met some great professors, and discovered some new interests. Just a few of the most memorable classes I have taken include Psychology, American History, and Mobile App Development.    

Another great part of Gatton are the study abroad programs. So far I have gone to Costa Rica with Gatton and, as of writing this, am leaving for Harlaxton in one week. Costa Rica was one of the best experiences of my life. I made many friends on that trip and made many awesome memories. Stuff like walking all night along the beach looking for sea turtles, hiking miles through cloud forest, or swimming next to a massive waterfall will stick with me forever. If Harlaxton is even half as good as Costa Rica was, it will be well worth it.

Gatton has so far been one of the greatest experiences of my life and I have no regrets coming here. There have been times where I have been more stressed and overwhelmed than I have ever felt in my life, but it was all still worth it without a doubt. I am excited to come back for one more year in August and am excited to meet all of the new juniors.
