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Five Gatton Academy students have been selected to participate in the NASA INSPIRE Online Learning Community.

The Interdisciplinary National Science Project Incorporating Research and Education Experience (INSPIRE) is a multi-tiered year-round program designed for students in ninth- to 12th -grade who are interested in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, or STEM, education and careers.

Sean Freeman, Desiree “Taylor” Harbin, Jacob Haven, Tyler Parke, and Dana Wheeler will interact online with students from across the country.  Based on their work in the coming months, they may be eligible to compete for summer internships.

The Online Learning Community (OLC) is INSPIRE’s centerpiece providing a place for INSPIRE students to interact with their peers, NASA experts and education specialists. Through grade-level-appropriate educational activities, chats and the discussion board, students and their families will be exposed to the many careers and opportunities at NASA. The OLC also provides parents resources designed to help them champion their student’s education and career goals. Once accepted into the OLC, students and their parents remain participants of the community through the students’ freshmen year of college as long as they stay active participants.

Members of the INSPIRE OLC have the opportunity to compete for a grade-appropriate summer STEM experiences that will be available in 2010. The summer STEM experience is designed to provide hands-on experiences to investigate education and careers in STEM at a NASA facility or university. All summer experiences, except the collegiate experience, will take place at the NASA facility within the student’s service area. To locate the NASA facility corresponding to your service area please see the “NASA Facilities and Service Area” section.

Explorer Experience: INSPIRE OLC participants in the ninth-grade can compete for this summer experience. Students selected will receive an expense paid trip for them and an accompanying parent or legal guardian to the NASA facility within their service area for a VIP tour and workshop. The visit occurs the summer between the students’ ninth and 10th-grade.

Collegiate Experience: INSPIRE OLC participants in the 10th-grade can compete for this summer experience. Students selected will participate in a two-week on-campus collegiate experience at a university and are chaperoned by the host institution. This exposure to college life is designed to improve study skills and encourage the pursuit of higher education and careers in STEM areas. NASA will pay round trip travel expenses for those students who live more than 100 miles from the college or university providing this experience. The college or university provides lodging, meals, supervision and educational activities. The collegiate experience occurs the summer between the students’ 10th and 11th-grade.

Residential Internship: INSPIRE OLC participants in the 11th-grade can compete for this summer experience. Students awarded will participate in a paid eight-week apprentice experience with a NASA mentor at the NASA facility within the students’ service area. During the internship, students are provided:
— A stipend based on minimum wage for the state in which the NASA facility is located and a lunch allowance
— Meals and housing at a location within commuting distance from the NASA facility, typically a nearby college dormitory
— Daily transportation to and from work and required project activities
— During working hours, students are supervised and mentored by scientists and engineers at the NASA center. During non-work hours students interact with qualified, experienced and highly motivated professional educators. These educators provide supervision and implement the enrichment activities and cultural activities during after-work hours.

Collegiate Internship: INSPIRE OLC participants in the 12th-grade who have been accepted to attend a college or university to pursue a STEM degree can compete for this summer experience. Students awarded will participate in a paid eight-week intern experience with a NASA mentor at the NASA facility within their service area. In this internship, the student receives a stipend and he/she is responsible for making all lodging, meals, and transportation arrangements.

For more information, contact Derick Strode at 270-745-6565.